We had our first doctor's appointment yesterday... It was so fun to see our baby for the first time! The picture is not very clear, because I have a tilted uterus - which just means baby is too far back in my body for them to get a very clear picture yet with a traditional ultrasound!
This is a profile shot. And no, that thing sticking up is not baby's arm, it is his or her nose and mouth! :o) The dark shadow to the right of it is the eye socket. But I know that it can be hard to see! I had the advantage of seeing baby in motion, with heart beating so it was easier to see what I am seeing! Oh and right in the middle of the ultrasound, baby did a little jog and waved at us... it was so fun to see!
And yes, we are planning on finding out the sex of our baby, which we will find out the day after Thanksgiving... and will promptly notify the world! :o)