Day one: 8 cloth/1 disposable (for bedtime). Cloth held in poop, even though he was in his jump-up! Disposables NEVER hold it in for him. Score: cloth 1/disposables 0
Day two: 6 cloth/1 disposable. Cloth has a noticeable pee-smell most of the time. Never had that, even with unscented disposables. Score: cloth 0/disposables 1
Day three: 5 disposables. Spent the day in the City visiting my parents. Wasn't brave enough to try cloth on a whole-day outing! :o) No score today.
Day four: 4 cloth/1 disposable. Wet bag and diaper pail liners arrived! Happy to not be wasting Ziplocs anymore! No leaks at all today (but no #2's to judge!). No score today.
Day five: 5 cloth/3 disposables (long night of waking and diaper changes!).
Day six: 5 cloth/2 disposables
Day seven: 5 cloth/1 disposable. After 4 days of NOTHING... Bjorn let loose! gDiapers held it all in (and I didn't think that was even possible!). That gives them a HUGE advantage! Score: cloth 100/disposables 0

Overall, I am very happy with this decision so far! Other than that annoying, yet very faint, pee-smell (that most-likely only I would notice), I have no complaints with this cloth-diapering thing! :o)
Bjorn uses about 5-6 cloth diapers a day, and I throw a load into the wash every night (or two if there's no poopy dipes in there)... Using the Whites setting on my washer (HOT) and regular unscented Kirkland Signature laundry soap, I have had no stains or residual smells so far.
I am using a disposable diaper at night, because I don't want him to wake up feeling wet and want to be changed in the middle of the night. I haven't decided if I will keep that up. What are your thoughts on cloth at night? Do you have any problems with leaks or babies wanting a change a midnight??
Oh and with this impressive lack of blow-outs compared to disposable diapers, I am now beating myself up for not trying this whole thing earlier!! :o)