Well, actually, the kids and I are slowly adjusting as expected, but 'me time' has completely disappeared.
I'm pretty sure I haven't even shaved my legs since Maren was born because I haven't had time to take a long enough shower for that. (Sorry if that just grossed you out... but hey, at least I am taking a shower every day! That's a feat in itself with 3 littles underfoot!)
What I miss most though, is my kitchen, and this blog. I miss writing. SO much. I haven't even had enough time to write out Maren's birth story yet... and she's over 7 weeks old!
I miss baking, and cooking, and creating new things in my favorite place... my kitchen.
There are just so many distractions these days and time is so limited. Even if I get a chance to bake something, I can't focus enough to do anything right unless I am making something I could make in my sleep (brownies, homemade mac & cheese, soup, etc.).
And you know what? I miss you guys!
I miss sharing my little space on the internet with you. My little kitchen counter, where I often picture us sitting and chatting over a cup a coffee and a sweet new treat, whatever may be coming out of the oven at that moment.
I really do love and appreciate all of you. I can't even express how much it means to me to know you are out there visiting with me, and that you care enough to come say hi once in a while.
Especially in this foggy-haze of newborn-land, and if you've been here before you know, it can be so lonely sometimes. So beautiful, but so isolated.
I just can't wait to find a groove again in our new normal, and to have more treats for you to try.
Thanks for being so patient with me, friends. I miss you too!