
photoshop addiction

I can't help it. It's so much fun!

I actually didn't even realize I had Photoshop until I got a new laptop and transfered my old laptop onto the new one. I have been wanting a way to improve my photography, without spending a grand on a new fancy-shmancy camera. Although I would LOVE one of those!

Now that I've set foot into the world of Photoshop, I just can't seem to stop. It's just so... much... fun!!! Especially when you have as adorable of a model as I have! :o)

Oh, and it doesn't hurt to have some tips from the likes of The Pioneer Woman and MckMama!

Here's a few examples of how I've been spending my time:



I think I may need a support group. Or a ton of coffee. I can see I am not going to be getting much sleep in the near future! :o)

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