I finally have a little boy (3 year old Bjørn!) who wants me to read to him!
You have no idea how long I have waited for this.
I am a reader.
I love books so much... cookbooks, biographies, novels... anything that captures my spirit. I would read all day, every day if I could!
One of my all-time favorite things to do? Go to a cute coffee shop with a great book and curl up in a cozy chair to read for hours with a fun drink. Not that I've done that in the last 3 years, but still...
I have always dreamed that my kids would love to read as much as I do, and that we would be able to enjoy cuddling together and reading on a regular basis.
(And maybe even sitting in a coffee shop together, sharing hot beverages and book-time!)
Up until now, that dream has seemed very far-fetched.
Bjørn has never really cared two-bits about books, but finally in the last few weeks he has started coming to me asking to read books to him.
Yes, sometimes the same book about Cookie Monster, over and over again for an hour...
But you know what? I love it!! I love reading together, even if it is the same annoying book over and over.
Even if there are other things I want or need to be doing.
Even if I would rather just have a little space to not feel so claustrophobic.
This is just the beginning, and I love it all.
And I am making a promise to myself, in front of you, to always try to say "Yes!" to "Mommy? Will you read me a book??"...
I want my kids to love reading as much as I do and saying Yes to them when they ask is the first step in our hopefully long journey of book-love together!