
good reads again...

I know I have no real rhyme or reason with these "good reads" posts, but I just love sharing the articles I read that touch me to my core.

If you're looking for some good reads to curl up with a cup of coffee and enjoy this weekend...  here you go!

It's Okay to Talk About Joan - from Stephen Ministries

A wonderful article reminding us how to love those who have lost someone.  Talk about them.  Remember them.  And never be afraid to give someone the freedom and comfort to cry with you!

Loving a Wild One - from (in)courage

A beautiful post with tips for those of us who love and parent 'Wild Ones'.

Ten Ways We Misunderstand Children - from The Natural Child Project

I needed this reminder.  I need to read this article every day, I think!

Why Women Shouldn't Fear Home Birth - from Mayim Balik (on Today MOMS)

A great article to help you understand the home-birthers.  Regardless of your personal thoughts, opinions, or decisions on the matter...  This one makes sense and maybe will make us seem a bit less crazy to you.

List of GMO foods

A detailed list of specific grocery store foods you probably have several of in your pantry.  This is not a fun list to read.  But be informed.  And try to make the best choices for your family, when you can!

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