It's such a fun way to peek into someone's life, and great way to record memories of my own life!
(Join us, if you'd like... I'd love to know what you're into!)
What I'm Trying To Read
(because we all know I'm not getting a chance to actually finish reading anything these days!)
Me, Myself & Lies - by Jennifer Rothschild
She's Gonna Blow!: real help for mom's dealing with anger - by Julie Ann Barnhill
Devotions For Sacred Parenting - by Gary Thomas
What We're Watching
(We don't have regular TV, so we're pretty much a Netflix & DVD only household.)
I just finished Eureka (loved it!), then Warehouse 13 (liked it) and now I've just started Parenthood and I'm absolutely loving it!
Andrew and I also just started White Collar together...
and the boys are loving Ice Age 1&2, Toy Story 1&2... and whatever else I make them watch when I get sick of those 4 movies!
What We're Listening To
In the car we've been rotating VeggieTales Worship, Little People Christmas and an old favorite Chris Tomlin Live. Quite the variety, huh?
On Pandora, we've been loving the Winter Song station for a super-relaxing mama/baby channel! (Thanks for the suggestion Lisa Jo!)
And the husband is loving his usual (somewhat annoying to me!) dubstep. :o) (Which leads me to a burning question: Do you and your husband/significant other enjoy the same music?)
What's In The Kitchen
Well, this is usually a fun one for me, but you might be surprised by our September. We have been eating a lot of cup-o-noodles and oatmeals. Yep. Life has been that crazy!
Yes, I have done a little cooking & baking (pumpkin caramel pecan rolls, pumpkin spice syrup, roasted cauliflower mac & cheese), but the majority of our days have been finishing off the freezer meals and eating as quick and easy as possible.
On another note, Baby Girl and I are trying a Dairy-Free diet as of a few days ago. She is NOT a happy camper and I am finally ready to try this last resort. I hate to see her suffer. And I hate to give up dairy (one of my favorite things!). It is a major struggle and sacrifice. But I sure do love her a whole lot!
What Blogs I'm Loving
My favorite new-to-me find this month: Lisa-Jo Baker (Tales from a Gypsy Mama). I am absolutely in love with Lisa-Jo and everything she writes. Seriously brought to tears or cheers almost every time I read her stuff!!
My favorite not-so-new-to-me blog's: My Kitchen Addiction, Annie's Eats, Gimme Some Oven & He Sows, She Sews. Check them out!
And that's about it for the September edition of What We're Into! Unless there's something else you'd like to know?!