Things are not going exactly as planned or expected with this pregnancy.
(That's what I get for getting comfortable and thinking I knew what to expect the 3rd time around, right?)
Right now there is not much more to say than that, because we don't know much more than that, but life is a little stressful around here to say the least.
Just ask Andrew... I'm pretty sure I haven't cooked him dinner in well over a week (and no, heating up store-bought gyoza last night probably doesn't count!) and he has made two big pots of chili in less than 2 weeks and will be making more for Father's Day!
(Yep. He's basically cooking his own Father's Day meal. Granted it will be made ahead of time and reheated - the joys of chili! - but still... I feel bad.)
I haven't slept much at all the last few weeks. Combining regular pregnancy-insomnia with a huge dose of the unknown & unexpected makes sleep practically impossible.
Today has more Dr. stuff in store, and loads and loads of laundry that have been ignored for far too long (hoping I don't run out of laundry soap, since I haven't made any in quite a while!).
I guess the point of all this rambling is that there hasn't been much going on in the kitchen lately (except dishes) and I'm not exactly sure when that will pick back up. Although it won't be too long, since I am having complete kitchen-withdrawals already!
I will definitely be doing some Father's Day desserts... as soon as I figure out what I want to do and can handle doing in my sleep-deprived state.
All this to say... Thank you all for being so patient with me!